Is this another bad sign? After my run-in with Ms. Tactless this morning, I looked up my horoscope for today. It says:

Loving Venus is now in your 7th House of Relationships, but your romantic life may be fraught with problems, for the love planet needs rules when in Capricorn. This can create an unsettling situation, for you may now be offered the security you seek, but with enough restrictions to make you uncomfortable. Think about what you’re willing to give up for emotional safety. Even if the circumstances seem out of your control, your response is your decision.

So what’s that supposed to mean? That my relationship is stable but really terrible? And I’m short-changing myself in order to be emotionally placid? The last few months of this horoscope has not applied to me so I’d been sending it on to college roommie Diana, who’s also a Cancer, and she’s been saying that it’s applied to her, so maybe this is her horoscope instead of mine again. I don’t know.