Yesterday on the freeway off-ramp, I heard some metallic clanking. Rhythmic, like clank-clank-clank-clank. I was concerned that something may be loose on my car, but then I saw this 3-foot long metal strip shaped like an L rolling in front of me on the lane! I managed to swerve left and avoid it. THAT would’ve totally scratched up my car for sure! It looked like some 80s car’s metallic bumper strip.

And then this morning, I was driving surface streets to work on the right lane of the 2-laned street. After my red light turned green, the old Mercedes in front of me was going painfully slow getting through the intersection, and then I saw this dirty old-style (probably mid-late 90s) silver Eclipse fly by to my right, where there was no lane, to cut in front of the Mercedes. I know she was going slow so it was kind of understandable, but how freaking reckless! A block up at another red light, the Eclipse went into the left-turn lane so I turned and looked at the asshole. Dark brown-haired jerk in his mid 20s, wearing sunglasses in foggy overcast mildly sprinkling weather. “You think you’re so hard-ass, you loser,” I thought at him, and redirected my attention elsewhere. A couple of blocks down, I saw that same Eclipse in front of me! What the heck? He must’ve gone in the left turn lane just to pass up the cars going straight and cut them off in the intersection, like he did to my right earlier! Luckily his lane was going slow so I passed him up rather happily. I peeked in. Yup, same guy. Asshole. A few more blocks, another red light, and suddenly this same jerk passes me again to my right, and I’m still in the right lane of a 2-laned street so there’s no lane to my right he must’ve pretended like he was going to take a right turn at the intersection and then blown straight through to cut off the car in front of me at the intersection where no one was expecting a car to come from the right! What an ass! WHY are people like this not getting tickets? And then…this was all just too familiar. I called James.
Me: Hey, remember that car that was cutting people off from the right turn lane and left turn lanes at the intersections?
James: Yeah?
Me: Do you remember what kind of car that was?
James: Um, it was a foreign car. I don’t remember. But it was something older and souped up, like a Supra or something like that.
Me: Was it a silver Eclipse?
James: Yeah! I think it was! Why?
Me: He just did that to ME!!

It turns out that James has “the power” now, too, altho his is way slow. He commented in detail about this car way back months ago, and now, I run into him. What a reckless jerk!