After commenting about sweet dreams and blogging in the last post, I immediately went to bed to dream that I was indeed blogging, except the keyboard was so cool that it sort of did an osmosis thing such that the information travels above the keyboard in a white cloud and goes in its own organized way into the computer and appears on the monitor. Upon awakening, of course, I realize it’s not that different from a wire connecting the keyboard to the computer, but in the dream, I was all impressed by how high-tech this keyboard relays information. And then the dream went through several other humorous courses that ended with me actually laughing so hard at a sarcastic joke I made myself that I woke myself up snorting. Laughter in the dream translated itself into two bedridden snorts/snores in real life. In the darkness of the wee hours, I remembered the dream in such detail upon waking that I wanted to go straight to the computer to blog it, but I couldn’t find my glasses so instead I just peed and went back to sleep. You guys missed out. Sorry.

Mr. W, I’m proud to report, actually stayed up to midnight this year. It took hours and hours of playing “Guitar Hero,” though. I think I’m all guitar heroed out now. It’s not as much fun when you realize each stage you unlock still has no songs that you know. We rang in the new year with some sparkling pomegranate juice watching, from the warm safety of the couch, the crystal ball drop on the Times Square mob along with 3+ tons of paper confetti. I’m not exaggerating on the record tonage of crap the New York sanitation guys had to clean up as their first job of the year. I hope they recycle. Mr. W saw on the news, as we were approaching the countdown, some self-proclaimed “confetti disbursers” sitting at the highest buildings over the Square, ready with business-card sized squares of confetti that they were just going to hurl by the handfuls down into the crowd to herald the new year. I wanna know, how do we get THAT job? You get to hang out at the party without being trampled by the drunken crowd, watch the goings on from a great vantage point, and you get to throw crap right on people’s heads below, and everyone cheers instead of calls the cops!