I know it hasn’t even been a week since I stopped working out due to ailment, but I looked thicker and mushier in the mirror this morning! 🙁 Stupid virus.

Mr. W forbade me to come to work this morning. He said being up all night coughing means I’m not well enough to work and I should rest up at home. But I already missed one day this week, and I came to work yesterday, so missing another day just looks bad. Our present criminal trial only goes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays as the defendant has to be at dialysis three times a week, and it looks deliberate if I only miss Monday and Wednesday. Plus, I missed a lunchtime meeting/training last Thursday when I was so sick I just laid in the jury room all lunch burning up with fever and forgot about the meeting, and it was a mandatory training so my supervisor has arranged for a makeup meeting/training at lunchtime today. I can’t miss the makeup! 🙁 Stupid virus.

I can’t wait till Mr. W figures out that I’m not at home recuping. I’m gonna get yelled at, on top of not getting a break all day cuz I have to go to a meeting through lunch. 🙁 Stupid virus.