It seems that a girl (we’ll call her Gina, cuz I don’t know any Ginas) told my girl friend that her boyfriend’s brother is now dating a girl who is “a fat, crazy, Vietnamese lady”, and Gina is concerned that the brother is going to cheat on her. I guess Gina thinks this because she considers the new girlfriend not attractive enough to keep a man. My girl friend had this to say about that: “I told her that there’s no guarantee that he won’t or will because my ex cheated on me with a woman (that he subsequently married) that I felt was inferior to me and I’m sure you could say the same about [the girl who my ex cheated on me with].”

My opinion on cheating men now is that I’ve found they don’t cheat because they’ve found “the one” outside of the relationshp. These cheaters cheat because they’re cheaters by nature. The exceptions, the ones who’ve found “the one” outside the relationship, will break up with the relationship to be with the person they really want. The affair chicks are almost never loved the way the girlfriend or the wife is, and the cheater normally does not leave the relationship for the affair. The side dish is just being used. That being said, if Gina’s boyfriend’s bro is the cheating type, it doesn’t matter how unattractive or attractive the girlfriend is, he’ll cheat. If he’s not, he won’t cheat, and if he finds someone better and leaves her to be with the other person, they weren’t meant to be together anyway.

I’m not saying there are no exceptions to this. I’m sure there are love stories about some guy realizing the person he’s supposed to be with is his girlfriend’s best friend/sister/mother, blah blah, and everyone was behind this and supported it and now they’re one big happy messy family. But what I wrote in the former paragraph is the general rule as I believe it now with regards to male cheaters. I believe that women cheat for a whole different reason altogether. Generally.