I had a semi-productive evening yesterday. I loaned Diana an ear for her current laments, then got my hair cut. (“Did you get a hair cut?” “No, I got ’em all cut.”) I meant to just go for a 1-2 inch trim, but the lady suggested relayering but keeping the length. I shrugged and told her to go to town. I mean, she’s a trained professional. And hair grows back, so whatever. It was really cute when she was done (when it was still wet), layered from my high cheekbone area down to the tips. “This is a low-maintenance cut, you don’t even need to style it. And I left the front long enough that you can pin it back when you work out so it’s not in your face.” I nodded contentedly. “And I cut it so that it’ll have a little flip outward. You may want to put some dry wax on the tips so that it’d separate on the flips, though.” Wait. WHAT? I hate outward flips. That’s the reason I want the length cut. It’s touching my shoulders and flipping outward. Sure enough, when the hair dried, it flipped every which way. Ugh. I couldn’t help but note the contrast between the image reflected in the mirror and the femme fatale hotness on the 2 shows I watched last nite on TV, “America’s Next Top Model” and “The Next Pussycat Doll.”

While watching those shows, I did manage to do a load of laundry and vacuum half of downstairs. (I was vacuuming during commercial breaks only and then I fell asleep and the vacuum is currently in the middle of my living room, still plugged in.) I also washed the duvet cover for my big heavy fobby Chinese cotton comforter. Man, putting the thick cotton pad back into that duvet cover was awful. I put it in the wrong way the first time so that it was perpendicular to the way it was supposed to go in, so of course I had excess duvet fabric on the top and bottom and not enough on the sides. Turning it inside the cover proved impossible (I felt like I was turning a breached fetus within the mother), so I took it out, turn it 90-degrees, and reinserted it, then had to shake out the stuff to smooth the wrinkles out and make the stuff fit evenly. When I was done, it was 3:30 a.m., I was sweaty, and my room looked like it snowed little round balls of raw cotton.