I have a whole new living room! I took my parents’ leather couch and loveseat and rearranged my living room to accomodate them. Then we dropped off my old couch at Goodwill where I picked up a tax deduction. I really like my house now. It feels new and fresh and has great new seating areas.

Mom: I like your haircut. It’s a good look for you.
Me: This haircut cost me fourteen dollars.
Mom: *thoughtful pause as she studies me* It’s worth it.

Haha, Asian moms.

Oh yeah. I thought about hiding the pornos before the ‘rents came in. But I figured, eh, they’re on the DVD tower thingie along with a ton of other DVDs. (That’s part of the beauty of being a bachelor[ette]. Porn on display with all the other wares.) What’re the chances they’re gonna look, anyway? It’s behind the front door when I leave it open, and we’re gonna be busy moving furniture. Go figure, I’m in the foyer vacuuming and then I hear from the living room my mom’s voice: “Ooh, Cindy has lots of movies! I didn’t know she has so many movies! We can borrow some from her.” She must’ve spent like 10 minutes looking through the titles as I panicked internally in my own head. I made irrelevant comments to try to deter her from the movies, but alas, she could not be distracted. I hoped that she wouldn’t figure out how to rotate the DVDs as the porn section was on the lower part that’s against the wall. All I know is that she never said anything, but did abruptly stop looking and then walked away without another comment about borrowing movies or anything relating to her movie hunt. =/