I wrote this post some time ago about the heart-wrenching nature of George Michael’s rendition of Bonnie Raitt’s “Can’t Make You Love Me.” James and I were IMing about music conveying experiences you don’t really “get” until you’ve gone through hell, and I asked him if he’s heard this version of the song. He hadn’t, but soon found this:

I’ve raved about George Michael’s version of this song to Mr. W, who claims to also have never heard it. And he’s a hu-uge Buffy and Angel fan, so he’ll enjoy this. As will Wilco, my other partner in crime for enjoying the guilty pleasure of teeny bopper shows. Whoever made this video seems to have interpreted George Michael’s rendition the same way I did. Plus, I’d always rooted for Buffy and Spike, so with that added to the impact this song already has on me, I again had to wipe tears off my face. Or maybe it’s just because of the late hour since I’ve been up till now completing my and my parents’ TAXES. Ugh. My head and eyeballs hurt.