CAUTION: This post contains workplace unfriendly material. DO NOT…I repeat…*DO NOT* click on the “more” below when you’re at work, or in front of your parents, or your children, or other people who may be offended or embarrassed by human nudity. In fact, if you’re related to me or Mr. W, don’t open this further. And if you don’t want to see nekkid men and/or TMI stuff, don’t click on the “more.” You know what? Just close your browser right now. Thanks.

You guys know that I got Mr. W a 3-year prepaid gym membership for Christmas. You know that he started working out with me every lunchtime and sometimes after work and on weekends, and that he’s become even more fanatic about the gym than me. He didn’t have any personal training, except for a few tutorials from me, and then he’s gone and run with it. Here are some “before” photos from last year, and “after” photos I took this weekend, which I’m really proud of, not only because he’s done an amazing thing for himself, his health and longevity, but because I am an amazing photographer. Uh-huh. That’s right, I take credit for this.

Again, DON’T click on the “more” below if you’re at work or could possibly get in trouble for viewing non-PG images. I’m serious.

I’m reputed to be the fix-it girlfriend. In this case, I didn’t so much “fix” Mr. W since he was fine the way he was before, but I did make my own ideal boyfriend for myself, similar to sculpting Play-Doh. 🙂

This is Mr. W’s back in June, 2006. He would run 3 miles a few times a week, but did not hit the gym and couldn’t understand why his love handles weren’t going away:

This is Mr. W’s back this weekend, in March, 2007, after starting the gym in late November, 2006:

Note the disappearance of the double chin between the above photo and the one below, too. This is Mr. W’s front in June, 2006:

This is Mr. W’s front this weekend:

The reason I post the series from Alaska is because that was what Mr. W considered the peak of his weight and unhealthiness, and seeing those photos made him want to do something about his health. He was in the low 200-lb range in Alaska (approx. 210), and today, after 5 months of gymming, he’s 190 lbs. It’s not a big pound difference on a 6’2″ guy, but when you’re talking about taking away 30 lbs of fat and adding 10 lbs of muscle, the difference is obvious.

I hope you’re not offended by the photos; I took a big chance in posting these on a public blog without a password to lock this post. If it gets out of hand, I will lock the post with a password. But I hope if you’ve made it this far, you can take these photos objectively, maturely, clinically, and hopefully be inspired to spend a few hours a week at the gym for your own health, because it DOES work. You CAN have the body and the health you want. But note, that Mr. W has made some major dietary changes, too. He has virtually cut out all fast food and all sodas, and is eating more organic and healthier. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have cake, pie, donuts and chocolate here and there. It just means 90% of his diet is good, whole foods, lots of fruits, lots of water. He’s also down to about a drink or two a week, max.

Anyway, as I was saying, I hope you’re not horrified at this photo posting, it wasn’t meant to be risque, although I realize that it is for my blog. But I’m not showing anything above that workout books and workout result posters at the gym do not show, except that Mr. W is not wearing one of those awful banana-hammocks. But I’ve covered up or cropped out the PG-13 areas. And altho I’m posting these photos with Mr. W’s knowledge and permission, I hope it doesn’t create a problem with our relationship, i.e. catty women, hands off!

AND…if you’ve made it this far, here’s a small thanks from me:

This was taken when I’d fallen asleep from boredom as Mr. W fiddled with his equipment. CAMERA equipment, you pervies. But altho he took this without my knowledge, my posting it online now makes impossible any chances of my running for politics. Or Miss America. Har, har.

Okay. OMG. I’m gonna click “Publish” now. *hyperventillating* Please please please don’t let this come back to bite me in the ass! *crossing fingers* I hope my parents never find this blog! I hope I don’t get FIRED! *big breath to calm nerves* Here we go! *click!*