Some time ago, a thread of conversation in the comment section got on the topic of how some guys refuse to answer hypothetical questions posed by his significant other for fear of entering into a trap-slash-fight, which topic I’m sure had nothing to do with the post itself. 🙂 Such is the nature of my blog for certain things to take on their own life, and I enjoy that aspect immensely.

On that topic, Mr. W used to refuse hypothetical questions. It was almost a matter of policy for him. One could just feel that hypothetical questions had come back to bite him in the ass in the past. Now, however, he answers and plays along with me, because he knows there’s no consequence if I’m going to ask something absurd, except for last night when I asked him playfully, as he was falling asleep, to tell me a story, and he said he had no stories and he’s not creative, and I said, “Tell me a story about the time you cheated on me,” and he obviously had never cheated but he did make something up involving Pamela Anderson and I decided a few minutes into this story that this probably wasn’t the greatest bedtime idea. But again, there was no “real” consequence aside from the story somehow ending with me screwing entire football teams.

ANYWAYS…geez, how do I get off on these tangents? I was remembering an early hypothetical posed by Mr. W’s kids about 3 months into our dating, as later recanted to me by Mr. W. Apparently the 3 of them were having dinner and the kids’ hypothetical was, “If there was a big earthquake or something, and the ground split, and we were stuck on one section and Cindy was stuck on another, who would you come rescue?” His response was, of course, “I refuse to answer this hypothetical question because it’s stupid and impossible and would never happen.” When he told me this question, I thought, “Uh-oh. They’re feeling insecure about their station in Dad’s life with me around and they need/want reassurance that Dad will still be there for them.” The kids prompted Mr. W some more and when he still refused to play along, his kids said, “Well, CINDY would have you come rescue US because she’d tell you to help us while she took care of herself.” How right they were! And just after a few months of knowing me! It was a relief to know they were just testing HIM (and how well he knew me) and not acting out based on some perceived competition with me. I must’ve been doing SOMETHING right.