Life is more fun when you have an active imagination. My mom told me that when I was a toddler with her on a public bus in Taiwan, I started crying from being so thirsty. She looked in her bag and realized she’d forgotten to bring the baby bottle of milk. So instead, she said, “Okay, I’ll make you milk,” and went thru the physical motions as she explained what she was pretending to do. “I’m opening the powdered milk container. Now I’m scooping two scoops into your bottle. I’m adding hot water. Stir, stir, stir! Let me shake it up, and test it. It’s perfect. Here you go,” she hands me the handful of air. She said I took it and happily pretended to suck from the non-existent bottle, and was contentedly smiling after that. I was an easy baby. And I’m still like that today, as you can see from these IMs:

Vanessa: Ok
I had to make coffee, too
me: I want coffee.
Vanessa: *Handing over an internet cup of coffee*
best I can do from over here
me: wow, it’s strong!
* sip sip *
Vanessa: U r too cool!
Luv it!
me: * placing hot coffee cup carefully balanced on Vanessa’s head *
still think I’m cool? hee hee
Vanessa: *doing belly dancing and not dropping the cup*
Now that is cool!

Aren’t we cute? 🙂