Mr. W has been going thru some drama, and he’d told me before that when he’s sick or not happy or mad, that he’d prefer to be left alone. So I’d been leaving him alone. Monday after work, I went to Boot Camp with Vanessa, and yesterday after work, I hung out with Dwaine to give him some China souvenir and we had dinner at Cheesecake Factory. I don’t plan on going over to Mr. W’s place for the remainder of this week, either, as there’s a zoo going on at his house and he’d probably prefer to keep whatever little space he has as quiet as possible. I wondered what would happen if I don’t go over at all on the weekdays anymore. I suppose in the beginning it’d be weird as I’m used to spending a lot more time with him than I am now, but over time would I get used to being by myself and doing my own thing, to the point where a relationship just doesn’t fit into my life anymore? And how long would that take, if ever? What happens if it does, do two people just sorta drift apart and stop dating each other? Hmm. Interesting stuff. I saw Mr. W at the gym at lunch earlier and wanted to run this by him and see what his opinion on this weird phenomenon is. I figured he’d probably not think it’s p0ssible to just unknowingly drift into a breakup situation, then look back and go, “Oh, I guess we broke up. I hadn’t seen my significant other for about a year now, come to think of it.” Haha. But there was a guy on the elliptical trainer right next to Mr. W, and the stranger wasn’t wearing a headset, so I didn’t approach Mr. W.

Later, I saw Mr. W online. So I IMed him. I apparently have communication problems, as you can see below:
me: You know a calzone is good when you eat it 3 days later, cold, and it’s DELICIOUS.
Mr. W: good
me: I was gonna ask you when you were on the elliptical (but that guy was right next to you), would it be possible if we just saw each other less and less and then not at all and we just sort of naturally break up?
Mr. W: This is a Joke …Right?
me: it’s a hypothetical.
maybe I should reword that.
I’m not asking “would it be possible” as in asking for permission.
I’m asking “would it be possible” as in, “do you think two people could…”
[* long-ass pause here *]
Mr. W: you r away from me for 2 days and now u wanna break up.
me: what?
it’s just a musing hypothetical, I’m not SUGGESTING we break up!
[* another long pause *]
Mr. W: u got some spaining to do lucy!
me: I thought I DID explain up there!
[* yet another pause *]
me: this is one of those questions like, “Do you think if we invert a huge glass bowl over my house and yard that the grass and trees that I currently have would provide enough oxygen to sustain me and Dodo?”
I’m not telling you to create a giant bell jar and trap me in a biodome!

That was awhile ago and he hasn’t responded. Hmm… Maybe the time it takes to drift apart and break up is like 20 minutes.