I’m in desperate need of some levity after that last post, so here it is.

While cleaning out my closet with my gym trainee this past weekend, I uncovered two T-shirts so tiny I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought them in New York in 2002. It was after September 11, 2001, so they were patriotic cute white Ts, one depicting a colorful US Air Force seal with a flag and an eagle, and the other showed the New York skyline with an enlarged Twin Towers with “9-11-01” over the picture, and “We Will Never Forget” under it. I brought those two shirts to work with me yesterday and gave them to my coworker, thinking one of her many young children could fit into them.

Today, I had this email exchange with that coworker:

Me: Did the t-shirts fit?
Her: Yes, as a matter of fact, Jack LOVED them and is wearing 1 today and has plans to wear the other either later today or tomorrow!!!!
Me: Yay! I’m so glad to hear that! How old is Jack?
Her: Jack is 4 years old and Loves anything Flag related-even if it just has red,white, and blue on it!!
Me: Wow, that’s quite a fortunate coincidence!
Her: He was undecided this morning and driving me crazy because I was trying to leave for work but I remember your shirts and he snatched them right up and pull the “Air Force” themed one over his head and said, “These are my favorite kinds of shirts.”
I told him that my friend had brought them all the way from New York and he said “WOOOOOOOOW!!! Tell her thanks for the Flag shirts!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!”
I had lunch with them today and he was still telling us all about his favorite shirts and he was very careful not to get it dirty!!!

HOW cute is that?!