Jordan was up in Florida this morning listening to her iPod when I came online early (not so early for her, as Florida’s 3 hours ahead). She didn’t know what song she was listening to, as her teenage daughter had put it in Jordan’s iPod for her.

Jordan: snoop and dre is what is what it says
Cindy: I wonder if it’s an old song.
Jordan: I have no idea but it says mother fucker a lot
Cindy: I would never put a song on around my parents that had cussing in it.
Jordan: yeah but it’s not 1970 anymore…
Cindy: My mom wouldn’t buy me the Color Me Badd CD.
Cindy: me in 9th grade. Mom says “I’m going to Target! Want anything?”
Cindy: I said, “Yeah, I want the Color Me Badd CD! Grace has it and I listened to it and it’s sooooo good!”
Cindy: She goes, “Okay.”
Cindy: And then she comes back from Target empty-handed and says we need to talk.
Cindy: she says seriously, “Cindy, I didn’t get you the CD.”
Cindy: “WHY??????”
Jordan: .LOL about the color me badd /target/mom!!…….my kids are allowed to say things like “that pissed me off” but they are not allowed to say other things
Cindy: “Because it’s not a good CD. I turned it over and looked at the songs, and one of them was called ‘I Wanna Sex You Up’.”
Cindy: it’s a very cute song.
Jordan: oh yeah… i like that one
Cindy: And now it’s playing in my head.
Cindy: their entire album is very upbeat, very cute
Cindy: like “All for Love,” I LOVE.
Jordan: well do you own it NOW?
Cindy: no.
Cindy: 🙁
Cindy: my mommy won’t let me.
Cindy: I just have porn DVDs. HAHAHA
Jordan: hide it in an inconspicuous case, like you do with your porn
Jordan: JINX
Cindy: :X

Cindy: you should come down and meet my mom.
Cindy: since we’re sisters and all.
Jordan: I need to. Since she’s mine also.
Jordan: jinx again,.. stop that
Cindy: “Hi mom. This is Jordan. Your other daughter.”
Cindy: “What, you don’t remember?”
Jordan: like the other white meat
Cindy: HAHAH
Cindy: yeah, the first white meat being my ass.
Jordan: true dat ( i assume )
Jordan: take YO word fo it
Cindy: I look like I’m put together from the body parts of a Carribean girl and a Polish girl.
Jordan: did billy idol do a song called china girl?
Cindy: someone did.
Jordan: we could revise it
Cindy: “My little china girl…”
Jordan: My little striped color coded china girl
Jordan: hehe
Jordan: maybe that wasn’t billy idol
Cindy: I have no idea who it is.
Jordan: who had two different colored eyes?
Cindy: david bowie
Jordan: oh yeah
Jordan: it was him
Cindy: oh.
Jordan: billy idol.. david bowie.. same thang

and then a bonus:

Cindy: are you off today?
Jordan: no I’m in a delivery right now… baby is crowning
Jordan: of course I’m off.. they don’t let me chat
Cindy: how do I know you don’t have a later shift? geesh.
Jordan: i can respond to emails.. that’s about it
Cindy: you CAN?
Jordan: yeah
Cindy: now I’m gonna be mad if I don’ t get instant responses. hmmph.
Jordan: well… when you have 30 babies born in ONE day.. it’s kind of hard
Cindy: i’ll bug you all day long. “What’s happening NOW? What about NOW? How many babies NOW? How come you’re not replying NOW?”
Jordan: well then you’ll get the ifcindyemailsmemorethan10timestoday response
Cindy: what would THAT be?
Jordan: “take your meds and CALM the f down”
Cindy: *hyperventillating*
Jordan: blow
Cindy: aWHOO! aWHOO!
Jordan: put yo head between yo legs
Cindy: if I could do that I’d be too busy to hyperventillate

Yup. Mom would be proud.
But at least I’m in a better mood now!