Dardy, who’s in town and staying at a house 5 minutes from my work, made plans with me to have lunch today. Mr. W called me late morning for a lunch date too, since due to a nasty Pop Tart burn he can’t work out today. (I told him that a grown-ass man has no business eating a Pop Tart anyway. It’s just unnatural. Of course he got a burn and an engorged water blister the size of a rat’s head.) The three of us went to get Indian food in nearby Artesia. I got to try the okra dish that Dardy always speaks/blogs so highly of, but unfortunately, he said the restaurant made it too dry here. In the car on the way back, we had this conversation regarding movies.

Me: (to Dardy) What’s that movie you wanted to see again?
Dardy: Juno.
Me: Did you see it yet?
Dardy: No, not yet.
Me: What’s the other one you wanted to see? The one that I wanted to see too but neither of us could find anyone to go with?
Dardy: Oh, that’s Lars and the Real Boy.
Me: Yeah, that! I still haven’t seen it!
Dardy: Me neither, I don’t think it’s playing in the theatre near me anymore.
Me: Yeah, it’s been out for awhile.
Mr. W: What ARE these movies? How come I’ve never heard of them?
*Dardy gives Mr. W a quick synopsis of each.*
Mr. W: *excitedly* OH, you know what I wanna go see? SWEENEY TODD!!!
*complete silence*
*crickets chirping*
I started laughing and noted the silence in the car.
Dardy: I don’t know what to say to that.