Trip out. My godbro’s dad (father of one of the founders of Formula D racing) is one of our JURORS today. I went out in the hall half an hour ago, did my orientation, and as I let the jurors file into the courtroom, he waved at me. Oh my gosh! Suddenly, all the lame jokes I told during orientation flashed before my eyes. I’ve been doing this a long time, but NOW I’m freaking out all self-conscious. Sheesh.

This isn’t even one of our home trials, either. We got the case transferred to us from another courthouse. Some dinky little misdemeanor. The female defendant allegedly stole $400 worth of stuff from a 99c Store. The bailiff and I were laughing about how anyone could steal $400 worth of stuff from a 99c Store. Did she take 400 items out with her inside her coat? Did she have to make many many trips? We’re horrible. This is what happens when you work in a system that’s used to multiple murders and child molestations and they give you a misdemeanor that you know nothing about. =P

Addendum: Isn’t this a koinkidink? Today, I packed for my workout clothes, the T-shirt I’d purchased at my first Formula D event that I wrote about in the post I linked above!