(GREAT movie, by the way. LOVE that movie.)

If Mr. W gets his way, this will soon be our backyard:

We drove around and looked at houses in the above-pictured area on Sunday. Many properties are within our price range, the area is extremely nice and upscale, and the people there are freakishly nice. I watched a teenage boy with his girlfriend thank a driver as he crossed the street in a parking area and the driver stopped to let the boy and his girlfriend cross in front of him. Whoa. Where am I, in Hawaii? Where are people this laid back in Southern California? Incidentally, this area is ranked as the #1 safest city in the US by the FBI, to give curious people a tiny little clue. I don’t want to say where or make any announcements in case I jinx anything.

But hey, great area, affordable for us, it’s like being at the ocean without the nasty beachside cities or freezing temperatures, and okay, it’s far from work, but if we figure out a way to carpool it’ll be quality bonding time on the road!