Poor Mr. W. He’s cranky. He just went to bed warning me I’d better not keep him up. We had a very productive Wednesday. We’d applied for our marriage license online and made an appointment to sign and pick it up at our lunch hour yesterday. Those suckers are expensive! $61.50 just to get the County’s permission to officially forfeit our respective freedom and sovereignty. (“And you magically become property!” my head supervisor said.) And to think, when same-sex couples are allowed to legally marry after mid-June, the Registrar-Recorder offices in California will be flooded with even more people, cash in hand. To capitalize a little more, there were signs all over the offices saying if we’d like a photo to memorialize the event of getting our license, it’s $10.

After he dropped me back off at my work, Mr. W went to his third acupuncture appointment. He said it’s working, the pain has dramatically lessened and the area around his buttocks have stopped hurting, but the deeper layers of muscles are still in need of therapy. So today, from what I heard, the needles went even deeper. *heebie jeebies*

When he was done with acupuncture, he came over to my house, picked me up, and we went to his place to pull an all-nighter stuffing envelopes and preparing our wedding invitations for mailing. Even tho we joked that it would be an all-nighter, I really didn’t think it would take very long. I figured he’d design the informational insert as I typed addresses in the labels, we’d print it all, cut and assemble, do an assembly line thing. We started around 7:30pm after a Costco run and worked until about 1:30am. I rather enjoyed myself; the fruits of our labor were very aesthetically pleasing and the methodical assembly made me feel very productive. I can’t say Mr. W had as much fun, though, judging by his sighs and grunts and occasional complaints. Nevertheless, they’re ready for mailing tomorrow. I walked up to Mr. W’s son and hand-served him our very first guest invitation. (No I didn’t wake him up. Yes he’s still up right now as I write this.) He excitedly examined the envelope, its labels, and carefully tore the envelope open. Pulling out the contents, he made exclamations about how nice everything looked, impressed we’d put everything together ourselves in an evening. Yay! That’s a whole lot off our plates! *checking stress meter level* Still low.