Today is the 3rd day that I’ve been having “breathing problems.” I put that in quotes because I’m not sure it’s physical so much as mental. I feel like I can’t get enough air in my lungs when I inhale, so I end up taking deep breaths through my mouth, stretching my lungs as much as possible, and even those breaths don’t feel like they’re filling my lungs with enough oxygen. I imagine this is the sensation if I’m in very high altitude and can’t catch my breath. The reason why I think it’s just a sensation and not actual oxygen starvation, is because I’d take these consecutive deep breaths with my mouth, and after a few seconds I’d feel dizzy and nauseated. That means I’m hyperventillating and losing too much carbon dioxide in the CO2/O2 balance, right? That means I AM getting oxygen. And yet I feel like my diaphragm has problems expanding. I try to tell myself it’s just in my head, so that I wouldn’t panic. The thought of asphyxiating nearly throws me into a panic attack where I gasp for breath even harder, now more convinced that my lungs have stopped working.

I tested the oxygen exchange in a different way today. I had to go from the 3rd floor to the 7th floor, and I took the stairs at a fast pace. I was panting when I got to my destination, but I recovered in a few minutes. I guess that was a good thing, cuz if it turns out I AM having asthmatic symptoms or whatever, I would’ve just passed out or something.

Mr. W asked if I may be having panic attacks. I told him I didn’t think so, since I’m not anxious or panicking. I’ve had short bouts of sensation like this before, usually alleviated by unhooking my bra so that my diaphragm feels less restricted, and in any case, it’d only last for an hour or less. This is the first time it’s been days.

It seems to have started a few days after I started using that new Crest desensitizing toothpaste. Could it be that the toothpaste numbed my throat, tonsils, and uvula so that I no longer have the sensation of cool air going down my pharnyx, so it feels as if oxygen is not being sucked in? I’ve switched back to my old toothpaste starting today.