We’ve been getting a lot of house things done, much of it financed thanks to all the Target, Home Depot, Nordstrom, Macy’s, etc. giftcards from wedding guests. =) I’ve also spent a lot of time doing one of my favorite pastimes, sitting online chatting with friends. Mr. W even walked in last nite and threatened to clock the exact time I’m spending on the computer so that he could give himself the same time for computer gaming. =P So I quickly ended my IM conversations and left the room, sheepishly realizing I’m kind of a crappy wife between all the online stuff and phone chats with my friends. My mom’s been calling me like 3-4 times a day, too. She’s putting together a small Chinese banquet for those friends/family who were unable to attend our wedding, since I had departed from tradition by not having a Chinese seafood banquet at the actual wedding. We keep getting really positive feedback from wedding guests on the food, though. The coconut-crusted mahi-mahi was an especially big hit.

Speaking of being on the internet and the cell phone, I’m now considering getting an internet-accessible cell phone. My current Nokia is having issues, dropping carrier constantly and telling me that I need to insert my SmartChip. I think it’s just past its prime. Mr. W’s cell phone has been temperamental also, so we’re gonna go to the cell phone store in a little bit to shop around.

Yesterday evening, Mr. W inflated all the bike tires and we biked the mile down to the Lake and hung out at the beach watching the sun set and the stars appear. Bunnies appeared in the grassy areas, too. We were surprised to see a bunch of people still playing sand volleyball, but the courts were pretty well-lit. We decided to bring some wine or mojitos down tonight with a blanket. The weather was very comfortable, the Lake is private, so it still feels like a vacation without the cost. I am really digging our new life together.