This was a movie Thanksgiving weekend in Vegas so far. I watched “Twilight” in the theatres…it stuck as closely to the book as a movie is mostly able to, but I thought the actors and actresses were not very multi-dimensional and didn’t convey what they could have. Bella’s lines, for example, were pretty much all delivered in exactly the same tone. I didn’t feel like she gave Edward or her friends a reason to care about her. She was dull and antisocial throughout. But I understand you have to sacrifice SOME character development when you’re smushing a novel into a 90 minute movie. But I was just disappointed, is all. The book was enjoyable enough to read, if you feel like reading an adolescent love story a la Sweet Valley High with vampires. I went ahead and finished the second book in the Twilight series this weekend, by the way, and it was difficult to get through. I cried the last hour and a half straight of reading it (between 4 and 5:30 a.m.); it was like the author read my diaries and watched me and read my mind in my darkest relationship hours, and then wrote it into her book. After pulling the all-nighter on the second book, I’d been too scared to start the third book. I can’t afford to lose my 4th night of sleep this week.

Last nite while Mr. W and his gamer brother were, uh, gaming, bro’s wife, bro’s daughter and I went to watch our second movie of the day. I felt awful because I’d picked it, the comedy “Role Models,” and I was asleep for 90% of the movie. I heard the other two women chuckling throughout, but I’d fall asleep during blinks, completely unawares. That’s what happens when you pull an all-nighter reading after you pull an all-nighter driving to Vegas, and then decide to watch a 10:35p showing. I’d like to give the movie a good review, but I just don’t know anything about what happened.

What I did get out of the movies, though, was information gleaned from seeing a movie poster for an upcoming movie. To be released in February, 2009, just in time for V-day, they’re making my relationship bible into a movie! See the theatrical trailer by clicking here. It’s got an all-star cast, including Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Connelly, Drew Barrymore.

I should get my womenfolk together and watch this on a girl’s night out. I’ll even invest a few hours into sleep the night before so I can stay awake during the movie.