On Saturday, my mom’s morning phone call inviting us to lunch was a little unusual, because our normal visiting day is Sunday. She explained that she and my dad had just purchased a new TV for my grandmother and were at my grandmother’s home right now. The TV is a birthday present, and I’d already agreed to go in on it with my parents. So off we went on the looong drive. We passed Angel Stadium.

We passed a guy riding an odd but loud 3-wheeled bike of some sort.

In her next phone call, we found my mom’s ulterior motive. My dad couldn’t get both the video AND the sound of the DVD player to work, he was getting either one or the other, so they needed Mr. W. By the time we arrived, however, 2 hours later, my dad got everything working, so I just wrote my mom a check for half the cost of the TV and it was the most brainless present ever. Because my dad’s birthday is a few days away, my grandma treated us to lunch, and then a dessert coffee and tea cakes at a nearby French cafe.

We left and got detoured to childhood friend Sandy’s parents’ house, because Sandy was struggling to get their TV to work in conjunction with a satellite dish AND a cable box. She got them both hooked up, but her parents were pulling their hair out over annoying horizontal interference lines when they watched satellite. Mr. W redid some of the setup behind the TV and then found Animal Planet for them, which turns out is the only reason they’re paying $100/month for a cable box to begin with. They had sought for the channel unsuccessfully until Mr. W just stumbled upon it during a channel scroll. They were so grateful they kept us for dinner, with promises to treat us to a future dinner. It was fun hanging out with Sandy and her parents, it’d been awhile. I also found out that my mom’s former death scare is no longer an issue, but that she’d totally neglected to tell me that! Sandy’s dad, a physician, checked my mom’s tests and reports and apparently found nothing alarming on it. No wonder my mom seemed to have taken a mood 180 many months ago! “She didn’t TELL you?” Sandy mom asked in surprise. I’m sure she deliberately didn’t tell me so she could keep holding the guilt stuff over my head! Isn’t that such an Asian mom. Even last week she wrote me an email starting off with “I’m not sure how many more years I can remind you of your dad’s and your grandma’s birthdays…”

While hanging out with Sandy and her family, I also found out that her brother, my Dentist Andy’s, birthday is tomorrow. I have an appointment with him tomorrow! I can’t believe he’s working on his birthday. I just spoke to his office a little while ago and asked if they were going to do anything for him, because if they didn’t have anything planned I was going to bring in a little cake or something like that.

My mom also called yesterday to tell me that since my dad celebrates his birthday on the lunar calendar, it falls on a different day each other, and this year it happens to fall on his good friend’s birthday. This good friend is our realtor. I wonder if they’re gonna do anything to celebrate together.

This is probably the most boring post ever. Sorry. But lemme tell you about my Sunday!