Mr. W’s daughter came by my work today to visit since she had the day off from school. She also brought her guitar for entertainment. A lot of people at my work know her since she sung at our wedding, but that was before she picked up her first guitar, three and a half months ago. She taught herself to play the instrument with some light instruction by a friend her first few weeks. With a musical instrument to accompany her voice, she has now written eight or ten songs that all sound different, catchy, and amazing. I put her on the witness stand (where there’s a microphone) and had her do a few songs for my staff. The first I requested is probably my favorite that she’s written so far. I don’t think she’s titled it, but she basically used a short tumultuous fling she had recently as inspiration and wrote songs around a drop of emotion or event. The result is something so beautiful, and real. The reason I like this song in particular is because of the buildup of the message. Here’s the song’s turning point, which happens about 1/3 of the way through. She starts off singing about the devastation the guy left her in, and then the lyrics say something like, “This may sound like a sad song to you, but I’m happy as can be, because you won’t believe what I found when you left. I found…me. I found me.” It brings me to tears even thinking about it because it taps into something raw in my history, what I had to go through to stand up and be myself again, and the way she wrote the melody around it, the word “found” is dragged out slightly, as if to build suspense, and then the “me” is sung very emotionally, starting low, almost on a minor key and builds into a strong major key note, and her voice also gains strength, and you can almost see a flower blooming in a shaft of sunlight in the snow. *sniffle*

I wanted to take a cameraphone picture of her up there but my phone died earlier this morning. I wish I could share her songs and lyrics with all of you, but I want her to be discovered first. 🙂 And she’s definitely working on that.