We had a very exciting Sunday! We (Mr. W, his daughter, and I) went to James‘ home studio to play with and record one of the stepkidlet’s original songs. This is her first studio session ever, and the first she’s heard other instruments added to her music. First, Daughter did her scratch track by playing the acoustic part and then singing over it.

James did his technical magic.

James then composed and added drums. I can’t remember why Daughter would be singing as he’s doing bass, and he doesn’t, either. Weird. Maybe he’s just using her voice as a guide.

Check this stuff out. Virtual percussion!

After the drums were added, James picked up his bass guitar. An awed Daughter looks on.

James composed a kick-ass bass line. I still hear it in my head when I’m trying to go to sleep.

James had to pick up Daughter’s chords to match up his accompaniment. It was amazing to watch this exchange happen. They were like two Palm Pilots lined up on their infrared ports to sync.

Strum strum.

And THEN, after recording the bass guitar line, James ran over and picked up his electric guitar and composed another dimension on the song!

The finished product was FREAKIN’ AWESOME. I’ve had it stuck in my head all weekend. The song was already catchy as is, and now it’s just unforgettable. James is now thinking, forget American Idol, we’re looking at a future Grammy. After the song is copyrighted, depending on how Daughter feels, we may put this song for sale with iTunes to get her name out there. What an amazing thing for Daughter and James to have hooked up this past weekend. We’re just watching doors open everywhere.