On Sunday morning, while I was getting ready to meet Anny for brunch, on my way to the closet I happened by my Dodo boy curled up irresistably on the bed. “HI, my fuzzy baby, hi!” I said to him, circling my arms around his soft furriness and rubbing my cheek on his shoulder, as his head, tail and purrs rose in greeting. We’re so close, my boy and I, I thought. But there are no photos to document this. I’ve lamented this before. This time I decided to do something about it, and pulled out the cameraphone. I call the following series of photos, “The patience of a cat.”

First, you see my boy giving me a little nuzzle on my cheek.

My attempts to turn his fuzzy feline head toward the camera was unsuccessful, considering every time I said, “Dodo, look at that! What’s that?” meaning the cell phone, he’d turn to the sound of my voice and look at ME.

I changed my positioning relative to the cat, and changed the camera angle a few times, but still kept catching the back of Dodo’s head. I won’t bore you with those. Not even the one that looks like Dodo’s sitting on TOP of my head. I finally gave up trying to turn his head.

And then I realized I got his face!! Apparently Dodo will turn AWAY from me when he thinks I’m about to lick him. But look at the annoyed look on his face.