I’ve never been one of those kids who complained about their parents not being “up with the current trends.” My mom’s always been trendier than I, anyhow. And now, she caught up big time. Imagine my surprise when I checked my emails and found a friend request from my mom. She found me on the social networking site. AUGH! I had friended my dad at his request many moons ago, but he’s rarely on it and doesn’t respond or look at people’s pages. My mom’s different; she’ll go through everything and then question me about things. Women have more time to go through stuff with fine-toothed combs, I suppose.
I just now deleted two bikini photos from the networking site. I don’t want to get a phone call one day wherein my mom asks me to explain why those photos are on there for all my online friends to see. I wouldn’t know how to explain. In case you’re curious, they’re this photo and the last photo over here.