…I’m just not pregnant yet.

The lab called. Out of the 18 eggs they retrieved from me yesterday, 12 were mature and able to be ICSI‘ed. So they fertilized those 12, and 11 “took” and became embryos. That’s a 91.7% success rate right there! I thought statistically it was more like 50%, but the female embryologist who called from the lab said, “Not for us, we’re more like 80% success rate.” Then she looked over the numbers from everyone they retrieved from and fertilized yesterday. There were two 100%s, and everyone else was in the 90%s (of course I don’t know how many eggs those women had). Given that there are so many viable embryos, the embryologist said she’s going to put me on the lineup for a blastocyst transfer on Saturday. In these 5 days, genetics and the quality of sperm and egg will determine which of the 11 potential kidlets will survive to Saturday, and they’ll take the hardiest of the remaining and implant that one. The implant procedure itself will take 5 mins, altho I’ll have to be on bedrest for 48 hours afterwards.

The pain from yesterday’s procedure has subsided at least 90%, the sun is shining, we just got good news, Mr. W has already started drinking (yesterday), so we’re gonna take advantage of OC Restaurant Week and find a cool new place to have lunch! Yay!