Night #2 in her crib in her nursery a total success! By going straight there at 9pm instead of doing the rocking/soothing thing, Allie didn’t even have her usual pre-bedtime hysterical crying fit! She just went down comfortably. I stayed in the recliner with her again, and was able to be more responsive to her needs. She doesn’t need much; she’ll fuss a little when her pacifier falls out, but half the time she doesn’t even need it so I just take it and leave it on the thick trim of the crib. After her 3-4 hour increment nighttime feedings (I think they’re closer together cuz I’m more responsive when alone right next to her in the nursery), she falls asleep immediately and I just try to burp her and transfer her to her crib. She sometimes lays there exercising her arms and legs a little, but she goes right into sleep on her own. She even self-soothes well; just now she cried a couple of times while I was busy downstairs altho I have my cell phone with me at all times so I can observe her on the nanny cam app, and after a few “wah”s she relaxed and fell asleep again. I know her pacifier fell out. I saw Mr. W briefly this morning before he went to the gym before 5am, and he said he didn’t hear her all night and slept well. Yay!

This morning after her 6am feeding, I was able to get up, shower in the next room, pump, have a quick breakfast, and do this blog post. Okay, she’s fussing again, I’m gonna have mercy on her and go up and give her the pacifier.