I nominate Mr. W for Daddy of the Year. Because the slings didn’t work for us, he got up this morning with the ambition to take the smaller Seven Sling apart and reconstruct it with some modifications to make one that does work. He also took the Kaiser diaper bag apart for parts (the adjustable strap part cuz it’s brown and matches the sling fabric) and pulled out his sewing machine and worked while Allie was asleep in the sling (and I was unproductively blogging the previous post). Allie started stirring about 10 minutes ago, so he went and had her test out the sling. Poor girl, she barely woke up and suddenly was stuffed into a sling with her body and limbs maneuvered all over the place. She made some struggling sounds and grunts, which I took to mean, “What did I wake up to?” She was a trooper, tho, and smiled at us. I think she was secretly laughing.


Here are some other recent Daddy of the Year photos:
Friday, after we gave her a bath in the walk-in shower. Well, Mr. W did the work getting in the shower with her so he could use the pull-out shower nozzle-handle-thingie on her while she was in her baby tub on the floor of the shower. I just handed over towels and stuff. Then he bundled her up like an eskimo baby so she would stop shivering.

Yesterday, going shopping for 3 & 6 month baby clothes since my little weed had outgrown her newborn-to-3-month clothes.

Last Wednesday, Mr. W pulled out the convertable high chair booster, hoping Allie was ready to sit still with us at the table while we ate. She WAS! We all had dinner at the table! Ever since then, each night’s dinner was a success as she sat patiently, watching us, looking around.

Now they’re watching football together. 🙂