Right now, Allie’s NAPPING in her OWN CRIB! I was trying to read “Goodnight, Moon” to her in the recliner in her room and she started getting fussy so I cradle-held her and walked around a little. She yawned, eyes got droopy, so I thought, “Maybe I can put you down for a nap before your 11am feeding.” And she settled pretty easily into her crib for the nap! First time I ever had her day-napping just being set down, also the first time I tried to do it in her crib upstairs (instead of the swing downstairs) so maybe she just loves her crib and her room. *doing silent touchdown dance*

…and I probably just jinxed everything.

The stepkidlet walked out her room while I was on blogging and I waved her over, showed her the surveillance camera shot, pointing at the upper right corner. She first looked confused, like, “Where’s the baby?” Then she looked at the monitor and put her hand on my shoulder, saying, “NO WAY!” You can see her celebrating for me on the upper left monitor. 🙂