A friend from jujitsu (also named Rebecca) told me that her baby stopped sleeping through the night at 4 months. She made mention of the developmental leap that occurs at 4 months, which is a major one and very disturbing to the kid. I asked what she meant, “stopped” sleeping through the night. She had to have meant that it was just a temporary stop while the baby was adjusting to the leap, right? No…she said the baby stopped from 4 months to 13 months. :O!!!

I’d never heard of that happening, where the baby regresses in progress for that long. She says that’s when you “sleep train” the baby into going back to sleeping through the night. I’d always thought sleep training was to get babies who don’t sleep thru the night to start sleeping thru. Rebecca think it’s not unusual for kids to stop sleeping thru at some point, at least for a few weeks, or until sleep trained. I know they co-sleep with the baby, so I’m hoping that’s the difference.

Last night, for the first time in awhile, Allie cried at 4am on the dot and I went in to give her a middle-of-the-night feeding. I was so scared she would stay up crying like she did after our bedtime routine, but she didn’t, she easily dropped off into sleep once I put her back in her crib. I was careful to let her doze a little on the Boppy for a couple minutes after nursing so she’d be properly sleepy when I transferred her.

She’s down for her morning nap right now, but instead of the usual 10 minutes it used to take me to soothe her, it’s stretched longer and longer and it took 40-45 minutes this time. She didn’t cry or fuss, but she just wouldn’t stop turning to look left and right, being interested in everything, and I couldn’t get her into her sleepy position (face against my chest, sucking her left thumb). She’d bounce right back up to look around her room again, despite the fact that she’d kept yawning. Her timing’s just a tad off today, since she fell asleep so late last nite, she slept in a little until 7:30a and I didn’t have the heart to wake her before then. The half-hour lateness plus how long it took her to soothe into her morning nap may throw off the rest of her day, making her biological sleepy times not match her old habitual nap times.

This developmental leap is really, really scaring me.

And the cat is really driving me and Mr. W crazy. I’m at the point where I’m willing to give him up to a loving home.