I lost it on Dodo early this morning. He used to only do the loud yowling once or twice a night. Now, it’s day a couple of times, and at night it’s every 3 hours. Last night, for example, it was 9pm, 12am, 3am, 5am. He would leave our room where he’s sleeping and go downstairs to eat/drink. Then he’d start the ruckus from the living room, going and going coming up the stairs, and stand on the stairway landing outside the baby’s room and yowl there, too. Then he’d come back in our bedroom, do it some more, then go under our bed, yowl another good 6-7 times from there. It’s gotten worse and worse, and now I’m not able to interrupt his caterwauling, either. I’ve started closing our bedroom door almost completely at night to keep him in, so that if he starts yowling, at least it’s insulated from the baby’s room somewhat. But he’s learned to open the door if it’s not closed all the way.
Despite my fear that I can’t hear the baby cry through 2 closed doors, I’ve had to close our bedroom door last night. He started yowling by the door and Mr. W let him out so Dodo would shut up and let us get some sleep, but that means my resuming what I used to do to try mitigate the noise; I’d hear Dodo yowl, then I’d rush out of bed to usher Dodo back in our room, close the door behind him, so that his yowling wouldn’t occur on the stairs and outside the baby’s room to wake Allie up. Now Dodo won’t come in the bedroom right away, though; he’d actually try to lure us out by yowling far enough away and running back toward his food if we came after him. I was prepared to be up every 3 hours with a hungry newborn, not for an annoying cat when the baby is sleeping through the night (except when woken up by the yowling). Mr. W has started getting up and starting his day at 3am because of the cat.
This morning at 5:20am, Dodo kept at it despite having already done a round of it at 5am, and I just lost it. I ran him into the room, he kept yowling, and I angrily lowered my face down to his and loudly hissed, “SHHHH! SHUSH!@#$ STOP THAT! STOOOOP!” Dodo jumped up a little, looked at me, and went right back into it when he got to the other side of the bed. I leaned over the bed and whisper-yelled again, “STOP IT! STOP IIIIIIIT!!!” waving my arm at him so hard it hurt afterwards. Dodo didn’t stop; he kept right up with it under the bed. I was so pissed my stomach hurt and I laid there unable to go back to sleep for a long time.

I almost texted Vanessa or Karen to see if they would like a free Scottish Fold that they already know and love.