It’s amazing how much of a set-back it is for me emotionally when a wrench gets thrown into the little I feel confident about. The night before Allie had her bedtime fit and wouldn’t go down to sleep after I’d already done my bedtime routine, I was just telling Mr. W that I used to dread evenings because it’s her fussy time when I would feel the most helpless, but now that I knew her bedtime routine and had her sleeping through the night, nighttimes had become the predictable easy times and I looked forward to them. And then BAM, she threw me that curveball.

Yesterday, she threw me another curveball — the same one, actually. Mr. W came home from work and we all went out to our favorite neighborhood Greek place for dinner. The family that runs it knows us so I always feel comfortable bringing Allie there in case she acts up. She didn’t; she hung out and did her own thing, charming the patrons. We had women smile at her, one grandmotherly type came by on her way out to tell us what a pretty baby Allie is. We came home and because Allie had a couple of crappy 30-40 min naps after her nice solid 2.5 hour morning nap, decided to put her to bed early after a bath.
By the way, altho she’d always had fun in the bathtub before, this time and the time before, she decided she hated the water and would now scream and cry her way through the entire bath. (We’re still only bathing once a week.) I don’t know what’s changed, except her preferences. Anyway, I was saying to Mr. W what a great baby Allie is and that I had thought she was colicky early on, but that now I’m convinced she is an easy-temperament baby who just was overtired in the beginning due to my ignorance of proper babycare. Famous last words, again.

So the bedtime routine went as usual; she’d spent so much energy screaming at her bath that she fell asleep early nursing. After getting her to weakly eat from both sides, I put her to bed. In 8 minutes, the cat, in our bedroom, started his yowling thing. I was downstairs and couldn’t make it upstairs fast enough to stop him. I could only watch the baby monitor on my cell phone helplessly as Allie roused…rolled to her left side in her soothing position to suck her thumb, and then…it didn’t work. She started screaming. Since she rejected her pacifier, I have no clue how to put her back down at night anymore. I went up and picked her up, she stopped crying. I put her back down, she started crying again. I picked her back up. She kept crying. Mr. W finally came in and said he’d take over and that I was too stressed. I was just angry at the cat. He told me to go to sleep.

I was unable to sleep, but did observe the monitor a little. Holding her in the bedroom wasn’t lulling her to sleep, so he went downstairs and put her in the swing. I heard the chirping sound of the bird sound effects from the swing. She was down there in the swing for quite awhile. Mr. W said she fell asleep in the swing and after he turned it off, she remained asleep. He picked her up and walked her up to her bedroom, where she was still nodding off on him. As soon as he went in, she started screaming and crying again. I got up and went to them just as Mr. W came to me, with the baby alone in the crib crying, to tell me he was going to bring her giant swing up here so she could sleep in it. I asked to try to put her down the way I nap her, which was what worked at her last bedtime fit a week ago (the only other one since she was 6 weeks old). She probably had exhausted herself by this point, because she got into her sleepy position with her right cheek against my chest, left thumb in her mouth, and was soon asleep on me. The only hard part was that I couldn’t see in the dark to confirm her eyes were closed, so I tried to go by sound and the feel of her body, and waited it out a couple of minutes. Then I gently lowered her into her crib. She woke briefly but went right back to sleep on her back, barely moving. The rest of the night went all right, except that every time Dodo made a noise I’d freak out. Dodo only had to be pulled from the door once before morning and placed in front of his food in our room.

I woke up a little past 4am when Mr. W got up to go to the gym. He tried to sneak out of our room to do all his getting ready in the bathroom downstairs to let me sleep, but I decided that since I was already awake and anxious anyway, I may as well pump as I was definitely engorged. By the time I was done with the handpump, he was gone. I snuck downstairs, stored the milk, washed the pump parts upstairs, and went to bed after laying awake nervously for almost an hour. Even my dreams were of the nervous, stressful sort.

Allie was awake in her crib, quietly kicking around and doing her own thing, super-early at something like 7:15am by the time I woke and checked the monitor. That’s 6:15a Allie-time. I gave her some time to see if she would fall back asleep, and when she didn’t, I got up, brushed my teeth and washed my face, cleaned out the cat litter (now that it was next to his food, I have to be more diligent), and went and got her. I noticed in the wee hours of the morning how it felt like I was afraid of her, like she’s the boss and I’m at her bidding, hoping she doesn’t bite my head off. It still feels that way now. I didn’t enjoy my time with her this morning like I had yesterday. I was just scared. I’m not sure what exactly I’m scared of, because it’s not like she could die or fire me or get terribly sick or get into much trouble at this age. But I just felt like I was insecure again. It remains so important that I nap her well, sleep her well, and there are all these external factors I can’t control, like garbage trucks, gardeners, neighbors’ noisy kids, a neighbor’s barking dog. Things are already tricky because of daily savings throwing me for a loop.

Allie didn’t settle right away when I soothed her for her morning nap earlier. She was tired and turned from side to side, rubbing her face in my shirt, but would pop in and out of the sleepy position. Each time she popped out, my anxiety level would go up. What if she doesn’t nap? What if all her naps today go crappy and she’s too wired to sleep tonight? What if what if what if… I couldn’t take the stress of things going “wrong.” I feel so emotionally exhausted and physically exhausted from just last night, and the prior nights of popping awake to shush the cat even though I should be getting at least 8-10 hours of sleep solid cuz that’s what the baby does. But I don’t; I get a few at a time between the cat, having to get up to pump, and the anxiety making me unable to fall right back to sleep after my night awakenings.

Good thing I have another therapy session coming up. I really am looking forward to Susanne coming onboard. These are all nothings to her, as I’m sure they ought to be. Mr. W has said a few times that he hopes Susanne is able to put Allie to sleep in a different way from the way I do, with the walking soothing lulling Allie to sleep before I put her down. I don’t know of another way that works; the putting down awake-but-drowsy technique just makes Allie pop fully awake and cry. Sometimes if I have an awkward or rough put-down and she wakes up more than just a little bit, she pops up wide-eyed, turns her head, and I know I’m screwed; she’s not going to be sleepy enough to drop into sleep. I’d have to pick her up and start the soothing all over again. Mr. W is unable to nap Allie unless she crashes from exhaustion on him, like she did on Sunday at Eddie & Michelle’s shower. There has to be a better way, but I’m not sure if the problem is with my ability to figure it out or do it right, or with Allie resisting any other way to go into her nap.

I need a break, but there’s no such thing. I’m down to 115 lbs, which is 3 lbs below my wedding weight. This isn’t a healthy sign.