Allie popped up after 30 minutes from her 2nd nap. 30 mins isn’t nearly enough, and I know she’ll be yawning and tired and cranky. I decided to give her 5 mins to see if she’ll fall back to sleep as she seemed to be attempting the self-soothing every so often by sucking her thumb, but she was popping up and crying so hard I figured I’d have to get her at the end of the 5th minute. It was a hard 5 mins as she cried and yelled. As I was about to get up at the end of the 5th minute, beginning of the 6th, she got quiet. I waited and watched the monitor. She was sucking her thumb…and then she went back to sleep.

Have I been robbing her of longer naps before when I went and got her at the peak of her crying and yelling and just dealt with her yawning in my arms? Do other mothers know this, and I’ve just been too quick to respond due to my ignorance? Or have I accidentally let her cry it out thru a nap?