It’s amazing the progress made every day. One day, she’s unimpressed by the toys, and the next day, she’ll grab them if you hold it up to her hands, and then the next day, she’s grabbing them herself and pulling them into her mouth (missing, of course). And then another day, and she’s aiming the toy and not her hands into her mouth and getting the part of the toy she wants in there. Today she’s grabbing at an overhead toy with both hands open, getting it, and bringing it to her. One day, she laughs and plays during bathtimes, and then the next bath, she’s screaming bloody murder the moment her toes touch water. Yup, that’s been the last two baths and last shower. The water’s not too hot; her skin’s not turning red or anything. She just suddenly decided she hates getting wet. One day, she hates tummy time, always have, and then suddenly, she’s propping herself up and fine with it.

Today, Mr. W observed that Allie’s been studying her hands. She became aware of them fairly recently when she started teething because she likes putting them in her mouth, but now she’s interested in how her fingers look and move. She’s also interested in her toes moving. When she’s sitting up, she’ll lean forward and watch her feet and toes fidget around. She’s a restless foot fidgeter, like her dad. She seems to only grab at her left foot with her left hand; she doesn’t seem as interested in her right foot. I wonder if she’s left-dominant.

I think when people say babies change and grow really fast, they’re talking about pretty much now. Each day there’s a difference. Things she didn’t notice before, she notices now and studies with interest. She didn’t want to go down for her nap and cried earlier because she was so busy with her activity center and toy gym, and wanted to continue playing, whereas Friday, she just napped and didn’t protest much. Well, it could also be conceivable I got the timing of this nap wrong. =P I’m gonna miss seeing all this fast-moving progress when I’m at work and away from her 11 hours a day.