There are things that babies learn to do that make a parent beam with pride and joy, such as earlier, when I was taking Allie upstairs to her nap, and she spontaneously learned to wave bye-bye to daddy. Mr. W was smiling at her from down below as we ascended the stairs, and he opened and closed his hand repeatedly, saying, “Bye-bye!” She smiled and did the same thing back. She’d been randomly opening and closing her hand at will to learn to grasp things lately, so I didn’t think much of it the first time. But Mr. W would stop, do it back and say bye-bye, and she’d do it back again, smiling and laughing with her arm outstretched and palm facing him. This happened too perfectly and too many times exactly at Mr. W’s cues to be anything but deliberate. So yay, baby learned to wave bye-bye today.

And then there’s stuff like this after she woke up from her earlier nap, that makes a parent go, “EEEEEEEK!!!”
I looked at the cameras (we have 4) and saw that Allie had moved to the front of her crib, and was starting to pull on the rails. No biggie, nothing new.

And then, she stood up! Oh crud, I’m gonna switch to the other camera that’s on the edge of her crib.


Now her chubby little fingers are RIGHT ON THE CAMERA! And she’s shaking it!

Um, I guess this means it’s time to move the on-crib camera.

(as with all my photos, hover mouse pointer over each photo to get a photo caption)