I’m deeee-lighted to announce that Mr. W’s vacation-at-home with Allie has concluded and they both did EXTREMELY well! Unless Mr. W lied on his entries on the app, it looks like Allie took great naps on time and had all her meals and snacks on time. He took her out to an organic lunch at Mother’s Market on Monday and she ate Swiss chard and tempeh off his plate. Reportedly, the other restaurant patrons smiled at her for being “so cute.” Allie may newly be going through her adjustment to get down to one long nap, started this weekend, but she’s healthy. No diaper rashes or any issues. Yay!

New Year’s Day, my parents came over and we did a Chinese hot pot dinner. Allie joined us at the table and had turnips, tofu, whitefish, napa cabbage, taro root. And then my parents played with Allie so that I could explore a new Bejeweled game on the computer. That was nice.

Allie even joined in on the computer fun.

All photos here courtesy of my parents.

If I don’t get around to posting about Xmas, I’ll just say that Allie was opening gifts for a week leading up to Christmas Day. She got tons of toys and clothes from our friends, coworkers, and family. It was a nice, quiet holiday week (the stepkidlet has been in Germany for the past month visiting her boyfriend’s family, which I think beats last year’s Christmas trip of Haiti).