This morning as I got dressed, I looked in the mirror and saw…flat tummy, the outline of abs, smooth toned skin, muscle indentations on my lower back/upper buttocks, my body looked carved! Of course I got all excited and turned all sorts of angles to see myself nekkid, thinking, “The weight’s coming off, the weight’s coming off! Finally!” I weighed myself, and I’m down 4.5 lbs from the weight gain I had while I was sick and unable to go to the gym a few weeks ago.

And then, I thought about what time of month this is and realized this is just my Skinny Week. The week after my period. I start debloating the last day of my period, it takes a few days until I’m fully my “normal” weight, and then a few days later I’m gaining weight again as my body bloats in preparation for the next period. I’m fully bloated the week before my period as that’s PMS Week, and then I’m bloated throughout the period, and then after the period, I slowly start debloating again. So I’m “normal” only 1 week out of 4 in the month. By the end of this weekend I’ll again be saddened at what appears to be a weight gain and the disappearance of all the tone. *sigh*

My court reporter joked that I should schedule all social activities for my Skinny Week, i.e. parties, outings, swimming, weddings, vacations. I really should! If only this week were more predictable on when in the month it falls.

Oh, the woes of being a girl.

I should take some photos of myself while I’m “skinny” today, tho.