Returning from lunch gymming, waiting for the elevator to pick me up earlier, I ran into my head supervisor.
“How’re you feeling?” he asked me.
“Okay. Just some residual coughing, but that’s normal –”
He looked at me meaningfully. “No. I mean the OTHER thing.”
“Oh,” I said, somewhat embarrassed, because he’d been on me to schedule my LEEP procedure last month and I’d kinda brushed him off saying that my doctor said as long as it’s done within 6 months, I’m fine. And I still hadn’t scheduled it. The elevator doors opened behind me and I backed into the elevator gratefully, shrugging at my supervisor sheepishly and saying I’ll get on it.
He firmly placed his forearm against the side of the elevator door, keeping it from closing, eyeing me very deliberately. “Cindy. This is serious. Get on it.”

When I walked into my courtroom, the phone was ringing. As I still had a few minutes until lunch was over, I didn’t pick it up. Then my cell phone rang and caller ID showed an unfamiliar number. I picked that up.
“Hello, this is Cathy from Dr. [K]’s office. We did a biopsy on you a couple of months ago with instructions for you to schedule a LEEP procedure, and don’t see on here that you have an appointment set up yet. Can we schedule that right now?”

So the LEEP procedure, based on doctor availability and my current menstrual cycle, will take place December 19. I filled out the time-off request form and walked it downstairs to my supervisor. After I told him about the call, he said, “You know what my nickname was as a kid, right? I’m not kidding — my friends and my dad called me this until I was a teenager.”
“No, what is it?”