I’ve just completed my 8th workout since Monday, I’m sore all over from running, jujitsu and weightlifting, and you know what I really, really want? A really savory pizza and Taiwanese food. Talk about unhealthy.

I wonder if I can get the combination together when I hang out with my gym trainee after work today for drinks.

Lots of stuff going on this weekend. Some weekends it’s static, and then other weekends it’s an old friend’s b-day shindig in Venice, getting to my parents’ to transfer data on the taxes I’d completed last nite for them (at past 1am!), Mr. W’s gonna install a wireless printer something-or-other for them, meeting up with Vicky for some Burke Williams massage and pampering, and hanging out with the W. I probably missed something. Oh, Bingo! And all these are happening at the same time. “Stevie Wonder” also loaned me a DVD of Iris, the Iris Murdoch story, so I’ll finally know what he’s talking about when he calls me the Asian Iris Murdoch.

I’m so glad I already cleaned my house.