I left work at close to 7:30p last nite and went to the grocery store to buy the food for my chemical diet. I think the sudden appearance of cumulonimbus clouds, lightning and brief passing rain is a good sign. Haha. I arrived home to a yowling cat circling his food and me restlessly. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked him. “There’s food right there.” And then I looked closer. Ants. The outdoor moisture must’ve chased the ants into my house. That was fun to clean up. I love my Fantom Fury vacuum cleaner.

I gave myself extra time this morning to pack my chemical lunch and to eat my chemical breakfast. Normally, I skip both meals. But the bulk of my spare time in the morning was used in sucking up more ants and spraying Raid around the kitchen. I did feel twinges of guilt. I mean, are they not little lives, too? Do they not have souls? Aren’t they just trying to survive and get out of the rain? :*(