I was feeling so good driving back after lunch. Encouraged by my successful 5K run last week, I figured I’d go for a 4-miler today. I did 4 miles (in 42 mins) plus another lap for cooldown, and aside from the boredom, it wasn’t painful at all. Took a nice hot shower at the gym, chit-chatted with a coworker who was also getting ready to come back to work, drove back to work feeling productive, pulled into the parking structure, parked, turned off the ignition, reached over for my purse. Not there. I looked in and under my gym bag. Nope. Damn it, I left my PURSE at the GYM in the LOCKER! As it was the end of the lunch hour already, I considered going in and checking in first, but instead just backed out the car and went back to the gym. Luckily, it was still there hanging on the hook in the locker. Drove back to work. Walking from the structure back into the c0urthouse, now almost 15 minutes late, I saw one of my supervisors outside overseeing the unloading of some equipment into the front door. DAMN! I walked by him and explained what happened with my purse in a sort of rant. Went to the elevator, waited for the doors to open. Another clerk walked up to me. “Hi. You missed the meeting.” “WHAT meeting?” “The employee meeting at lunch today!” DAMN IT. That meeting date had been postponed so many times that I forgot it was today. I told her, “I just passed by [supervisor] outside and he didn’t say anything.” She said, “Well, he probably didn’t notice you weren’t there. There were so many people there that you may have gotten away with not showing up.” “Except for the fact that I already CONFESSED to him outside that I was at the gym!” I said.

I thought I was functioning so well today, having been up and at ’em since 2:30 a.m.. Instead, it turns out I’m totally absent-minded. As we say in Mandarin, “Toh nau xao yi gun jing,” or “Brain missing one neuron.” Colloquilly (if that’s even a word), roughly, “One card short of a full deck.” Yup. That’s me.