Today at lunch, I learned that I can run 3 miles without socks on.

Five minutes later, I learned that I can not run 3.25 miles without socks on.

It’s really too bad, because for once I have enough energy, time, and MP3 power to hit a solid 4 miles. “Murphy’s Law,” my court reporter told me in the locker room. Oh well. At least I ran something, 3.3 miles of it, plus 0.2 miles of a cool-down walk. When I realized I had neglected to bring socks after I was parked in the gym parking lot, I contemplated turning around and returning to work, or grabbing a bite. But I had already missed yesterday’s lunchtime workout to have lunch with my coworkers, so I can’t skip any more lunchtime workouts this week. (New rule: I can only miss 1 evening [jujitsu] workout and 1 noontime workout a week.)

I limped back to work just now. I have a blister on my right foot right at the side of the arch, where these particular shoes happen to connect with my foot. *sigh*