Call it a combination of heat (Southern California has been in the mid-90s to low 100s F for the past few weeks now) and hormones, but I have been unable to peel myself off the couch for many things lately. Twice this week, I’d fallen asleep with the big screen on all night. Thank goodness my body wakes me up around 6:30a. Listening to TV in my sleep makes the characters in my dreams speak of infomercial topics.

Today, I don’t feel too bad about my recent laziness, since I filled the non-jujitsu time last nite with vacuuming the house (still loving the new Hoover) and changing the litter box. The run I’d planned to have in lieu of jujitsu last nite but didn’t, was done today at lunchtime. I did the run at the gym on a treadmill on a hill program and I took a shower afterwards, but it was so hot that driving the mile back to work was more miserable than the 3-mile run. I was actually nauseated when I got back to the courtroom. I have got to up my mileage, and fast, to prepare for the half-marathon in September. Too bad my lunch hour isn’t longer so I can fit in more miles. I am becoming increasingly concerned about the heat and sun on the morning of the run, tho.

Tonight: belly dancing!