I worked late yesterday, left at about 6:30p. Since I would’ve missed half of jujitsu by then, I went to Mr. W’s and coerced him to take a 3-mile run with me. It felt really good for me, altho he was in pain. What a trooper. For me, it was a nice, comfortable run and I could’ve gone farther. That makes me feel a bit more comfortable about the upcoming half-marathon. I need to get a good MP3 player that’ll play for 2.5 hours straight.

Probably because of that run, I was happy and inspired and was wired even today. At lunch today, I worked the gym hard with my trainee. She’d been expressing some discontent about having plateaued in her weight loss, so we did a 4-exercise freeweight circuit with no rest in between sets (diagonal bicep curls to tricep extensions to lunges to shoulder presses, X3) and finished off with some assisted pull-ups.

Tonight: belly dancing! After I run over to a coworker’s house to feed her kittens. She was suddenly hospitalized yesterday morning and she lives a few blocks from me, and how can I let kitties go hungry?!