I got a taste of a bad telemarketing job today. I had to call 15 jurors while we’re in session and whisper, like a creep, to them that altho they’d been ordered back for 1:30p this afternoon, we’re now postponing their group to 9:15a tomorrow morning. Those whom I didn’t reach in person I kept calling alternate numbers I have for them and leaving messages and voice mails everywhere I could. I had called them all yesterday already to postpone their appearance from 10:15a this morning to 1:30p this afternoon. I’m probably going to get a bill at the end of the month from my managers asking why there’s incessant phone calls going out from my line these couple of days. Oh well, that’s what happens when we have a dual jury for a trial and one jury’s picked WAY fast and the other is going WAY slowly.

On the brighter side of things, Vanessa ordered and received (per her voice mail to me left last nite) two belly dancing veils from Ebay. She said in her message that they look awesome. Our instructor had advised us to bring in twin-bed-size sheets or blankets for our veil work this evening. Now we get to learn how to dance with a veil while using actual veils! Yay!