Today, after a hard workout and a pow-wow in the steam room, I weighed myself on the sliding weights scale AND at home on my digital bodyfat scale after a Black Angus prime rib dinner, and I’m STILL in the 120s! Yay! That means that after I debloat, I’ll be in the low 120s, and then I’m back on track to before I gained weight due to my inability to work out those 2 weeks I was deathly ill.

People have been reminding me to turn my clock forward an hour at 2am Sunday morning, which is in a few hours. I always rely on other people telling me to know when to spring forward and fall back, so it was news to me that it’s actually 2 weeks early this year. Really? Why change it? Cuz now we’re not gonna match up right internationally, since everyone globally is expecting us to maintain this time standard for another couple weeks. I’m glad I don’t work in a job where I have to deal with the technical problems this will cause on the computers and international stock trade.