I think I caught a cold at the Formula-D event this Saturday. It was colder than I expected, overcast near the water, and the wind was blowing. It had crossed my mind that my body temperature might just take a dip long enough for some viruses to really grab on, but I hoped for the best. Sunday, I woke up with a sore lumpy throat (looked almost like tonsillitis) and got congested. I couldn’t sleep Sunday night because my body had temperature regulation issues; it was either too hot with the covers on, or too cold with them off, the pillow was either too high and cutting off my breathing, or too flat without it, and it seemed like there was a monstrous hole in the middle of the mattress trying to suck me into some bed bug abyss. Plus, I just wasn’t sleepy. I probably got an hour of sleep. It didn’t help that Monday (yesterday), work worked me beyond belief and I was sniffling with an itchy throat all day. I was able to get some shut-eye last nite, but today I come into work and the air conditioning is on full-blast so that it sounds like I’m in the middle of a blizzard. *sigh* Oh, in case you guys don’t know how A/C works in the building, here’s a short little ditty I’d written on it some time ago.