Vanessa’s sister, who normally leads Boot Camp, was unable to attend last nite. The girl who led it instead is a slim no-nonsense woman named Christine. She gave me food for thought.

“Rita might make it tonight,” she told Vanessa, “But she’s been saying that for the past month and she’s never come, so… But she gained a little bit of weight recently so she’s self-conscious about that. I saw her the other day and I asked, ‘Hey, how are you?’ and she said, ‘I’m fat!’ I said, ‘So what, we’re ALL fat!’ ”

That was genius. I laughed and loved it. Because no matter what we are or aren’t, no matter what we actually weigh, the plight of this generation is that we’re all fat. Our friends may not see it, our men may think we’re crazy, but it’s just that simple. “I’m fat!” “We’re ALL fat!” Whether or not we are, we are.