** WARNING ** Men, don’t read this.

Remember my abnormal pap smear earlier in the month? Well, the colposcopy/biopsy was scheduled for tomorrow, but my body had other ideas. This morning, my period came seven days early to ensure that I would not be able to get the procedure over with. (They can’t do any scopes during a period cuz they wouldn’t be able to see anything.) I called my medical provider and had the appointment moved to October 15, 2 weeks later, to give the river of blood enough time to dry up. (Sorry. I’m not pleased about this.) Everybody was gonna pray for me for tomorrow, too. How anti-climatic. My mom’s gonna wig when I tell her I’m gonna have to wait even longer. She probably hasn’t slept well since I made the mistake of telling her about this.

At least the good part is, I’m gonna debloat a week sooner than I’d expected to. (I look chubs in the Hawaii photos, no?)